Projects > AuctionMark: An OLTP Benchmark for Shared-Nothing Database Management Systems
1. Introduction
AuctionMark benchmark is an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) workload that simulates the activities found in a well-known auction site. This benchmark comprises of 13 tables and 14 stored procedures representing the auction site’s core transactions.
There are two types of transactions in AuctionMark: (1) transactions that are initiated by a user and (2) book keeping transactions that are invoked periodically by the system. Sellers and buyers are two main user types in the system. Transaction that are related to sellers include (1) adding an item for auction, (2) updating an existing item’s information, and (3) responding to buyers’ comments and feedbacks. Buyers related transactions include (1) adding an item to watch list, (2) retrieving item’s detail, (3) placing a bid on an open auction, (4) purchasing an item, and (5) leaving comments/feedback for sellers. The system periodically invoke check-winning-bid transaction to check if any auction comes to the end, and checks the winning bid for that item.
This benchmark is implemented in Java, and works with H-Store database. It is designed for scalability and flexibility (a user can configure the proportion of different transactions executed).
The source code is publicly available from the H-Store repository.
2. Data Tables
The tables are all named in a singular form. Each column is prefixed with an abbreviation of the table that it is a member of. Foreign key references include the abbreviation of the parent column. The only exception to this rule are those tables with more than one column referencing the same foreign key parent table (e.g., ITEM_COMMENT.ic_u_id and ITEM_COMMENT.ic_buyer_id).
2.1 Global Tables
The Global Tables represent data that is not specific to one particular item or user.
2.1.1 REGION
Number of Records: 62
Average Tuple Size: 28 bytes
This table represents the geographical regions of users.
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
r_id | BIGINT | – | Region’s ID | |
r_name | VARCHAR | String length 6 – 32 | – | Region’s name |
Number of Records: 100
Average Tuple Size: 36 bytes
This table represents merchandises’ global attribute groups (e.g., brand, material, features).
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
gag_id | BIGINT | – | Global attribute group’s ID | |
gag_c_id | BIGINT | CATEGORY.c_id | Associated Category’s ID | |
gag_name | VARCHAR | String length 6 – 32 | – | Global attribute group’s name |
Number of Records: # GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP * 10
Average Tuple Size: 36 bytes
This table represents merchandises’ global attributes within each attribute groups (e.g., Rolex, Casio, Seiko within brand).
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
gav_id | BIGINT | – | Global attribute group’s ID | |
gav_gag_id | BIGINT | GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP.gag_id | Associated Category’s ID | |
gav_name | VARCHAR | String length 6 – 32 | – | Global attribute group’s name |
Number of Records: 19,459
Average Tuple Size: 85
This table represents merchandises’ categories. Category can be hierarchical aligned using c_parent_id. The records in this table were retrieved from a well-known
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
c_id | BIGINT | – | Category’s ID | |
c_name | VARCHAR | – | Category’s name | |
c_parent_id | BIGINT | CATEGORY.c_id | Parent category’s ID |
2.2 User Tables
2.2.1 USER
Number of Records: 1,000,000
Average Tuple Size: 376 bytes
This table represents users of the system both sellers and buyers.
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
u_id | BIGINT | – | User’s ID | |
u_rating | BIGINT | Integer 0 – 6 | – | User’s rating as a seller |
u_balance | DOUBLE | – | User’s balance | |
u_created | TIMESTAMP | – | User’s create date | |
u_r_id | BIGINT | 62 | – | User’s region ID |
u_sattr0 | VARCHAR | String length 16 – 64 | – | User’s attribute 0 |
u_sattr1 | VARCHAR | String length 16 – 64 | – | User’s attribute 1 |
u_sattr2 | VARCHAR | String length 16 – 64 | – | User’s attribute 2 |
u_sattr3 | VARCHAR | String length 16 – 64 | – | User’s attribute 3 |
u_sattr4 | VARCHAR | String length 16 – 64 | – | User’s attribute 4 |
u_sattr5 | VARCHAR | String length 16 – 64 | – | User’s attribute 5 |
u_sattr6 | VARCHAR | String length 16 – 64 | – | User’s attribute 6 |
u_sattr7 | VARCHAR | String length 16 – 64 | – | User’s attribute 7 |
Number of Records: # USER x 1.3
Average Tuple Size: 62 bytes
This table represents attributes of users.
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
ua_id | BIGINT | – | User attribute’s ID | |
ua_u_id | BIGINT | USER.u_id | User’s ID | |
ua_name | VARCHAR | String length 5 – 32 | – | User attribute name |
ua_value | VARCHAR | String length 5 – 32 | – | User attribute value |
u_created | TIMESTAMP | – | Create timestamps |
2.3 Item Tables
2.3.1 ITEM
Number of Records: # USER x 10
Average Tuple Size: 395 bytes
The ITEM id consists of a composite key where the lower 48-bits of the number is the USER.u id and the upper 16-bits is the auction count for that user.
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
i_id | BIGINT | – | Item’s ID | |
i_u_id | BIGINT | USER.u_id | Seller’s ID | |
i_c_id | BIGINT | CATEGORY.c_id | Category’s ID | |
i_name | VARCHAR | String length 6 – 32 | – | Item’s name |
i_description | VARCHAR | String length 50 – 255 | – | Item’s description |
i_user_attributes | VARCHAR | String length 20 – 255 | – | Text field for attributes defined just for this item |
i_initial_price | DOUBLE | – | Item’s initial price | |
i_current_price | DOUBLE | – | Item’s current price | |
i_num_bids | BIGINT | – | Item’s number of bids | |
i_num_images | BIGINT | – | Item’s number of images | |
i_num_global_attrs | BIGINT | – | Item’s number of global attributes | |
i_start_date | TIMESTAMP | – | Item’s bid start date | |
i_end_date | TIMESTAMP | – | Item’s bid end date | |
i_status | INT | – | Item’s status (0 = OPEN, 1 = WAITING_FOR_PURCHASE, 2 = CLOSED) |
Number of Records: # ITEM x 3.21
Average Tuple Size: 85 bytes
This table keeps paths to the images of items in the ITEM table.
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
ii_id | BIGINT | – | Image’s ID | |
ii_i_id | BIGINT | ITEM.i_id | Item’s ID | |
ii_u_id | BIGINT | ITEM.i_u_id | Item’s user ID | |
ii_path | VARCHAR | String length 20 – 100 | – | Image’s path |
Number of Records: # ITEM x 0.466
Average Tuple Size: 180 bytes
Comments of items in the ITEM table.
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
ic_id | BIGINT | – | Comment’s ID | |
ic_i_id | BIGINT | ITEM.i_id | Item’s ID | |
ic_u_id | BIGINT | ITEM.i_u_id | Item’s user ID | |
ic_buyer_id | BIGINT | USER.u_id | Item’s buyer ID | |
ic_date | TIMESTAMP | – | Comment’s create date | |
ic_question | VARCHAR | String length 10 – 128 | – | Comment from buyer |
ic_response | VARCHAR | String length 10 – 128 | – | Response from seller |
Number of Records: # ITEM x 0.466
Average Tuple Size: 180 bytes
Feedbacks of items in the ITEM table.
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
if_id | BIGINT | – | Feedback’s ID | |
if_i_id | BIGINT | ITEM.i_id | Item’s ID | |
if_u_id | BIGINT | ITEM.i_u_id | Item’s user ID | |
if_buyer_id | BIGINT | USER.u_id | Item’s buyer ID | |
if_rating | BIGINT | – | Rating given to the seller | |
if_date | TIMESTAMP | – | Feedback date | |
if_comment | VARCHAR | String length 10 – 128 | – | Feedback from buyer |
2.3.5 ITEM_BID
Number of Records: # ITEM x 10.62
Average Tuple Size: 64 bytes
Bids of items in the ITEM table.
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
ib_id | BIGINT | – | Bid’s ID | |
ib_i_id | BIGINT | ITEM.i_id | Item’s ID | |
ib_u_id | BIGINT | ITEM.i_u_id | Item’s seller ID | |
ib_buyer_id | BIGINT | USER.u_id | Buyer’s ID | |
ib_bid | DOUBLE | – | Bid | |
ib_max_bid | DOUBLE | – | Max bid | |
ib_created | TIMESTAMP | – | Bid’s create date | |
ib_updated | TIMESTAMP | – | Bid’s update date |
Number of Records: # ITEM x 0.76
Average Tuple Size: 56 bytes
The maximum bids of each item in the ITEM table.
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
imb_i_id | BIGINT | ITEM.i_id | Item’s ID | |
imb_u_id | BIGINT | ITEM.i_u_id | Item’s seller ID | |
imb_ib_id | BIGINT | ITEM_BID.ib_id | Bid’s ID | |
imb_ib_i_id | BIGINT | ITEM_BID.ib_i_id | Bid’s item ID | |
imb_ib_u_id | BIGINT | ITEM_BID.ib_u_id | Bid’s seller ID | |
imb_created | TIMESTAMP | – | Max bid create timestamps | |
imb_updated | TIMESTAMP | – | Max bid update timestamps |
Number of Records: # ITEM x 0.026
Average Tuple Size: 40 bytes
Tthe purchasing records from the buyers.
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
ip_id | BIGINT | – | Purchase’s ID | |
ip_ib_id | BIGINT | ITEM_BID.ib_id | Bid’s ID | |
ip_i_id | BIGINT | ITEM_BID.ib_i_id | Item’s ID | |
ip_u_id | BIGINT | ITEM_BID.ib_u_id | Item’s seller ID | |
ip_date | TIMESTAMP | – | Purchase timestamps |
Number of Records: # ITEM x 0.026
Average Tuple Size: 32 bytes
The items that a user has recently purchased.
Column | Type | Cardinality | References | Description |
ui_u_id | BIGINT | USER.u_id | User’s ID | |
ui_i_id | BIGINT | ITEM.i_id | Item’s ID | |
ui_seller_id | BIGINT | ITEM.i_u_id | Seller’s ID | |
ui_created | TIMESTAMP | – | Purchase timestamps |
3. Stored Procedures
The stored procedures below are executed in the following distribution except for two stored procedures; check-winning-bid and post-auction. check-winning-bid is executed every 10 seconds, and post-auction is executed right after check-winning-bid.
Stored procedures | Frequency |
new-user | 5% |
new-item | 10% |
new-bid | 18% |
new-comment | 2% |
new-comment-response | 1% |
new-purchase | 2% |
new-feedback | 3% |
get-item | 40% |
update-item | 2% |
get-comment | 2% |
get-user-info | 10% |
get-watched-item | 5% |
3.1 new-user
Creates a new USER record. The rating and balance are both set to zero.
The benchmark randomly selects id from a pool of region ids as an input for u_r_id parameter using flat distribution.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
u_id | BIGINT | The new user’s unique id |
u_r_id | BIGINT | User’s region |
attributes[] | 8 × VARCHAR(12-64) | An array of random string attributes for this user |
Output parameters
Pseudo code
// Insert the user INSERT INTO USER (u_id, u_rating, u_balance, u_created, u_r_id, u_sattr0, u_sattr1, u_sattr2, u_sattr3, u_sattr4, u_sttar5, u_sattr6, u_sattr 7) VALUES (<u_id>, 0, 0, <current_timestamp>, <u_r_id>, <attributes[0]>, <attributes[1]>, <attributes[2]>, <attributes[3]>, <attributes[4]>, <attributes[5]>, <attributes[6]>, <attributes[7]>); |
3.2 new-item
Insert a new ITEM record for a user. The benchmark client provides all of the preliminary information required for the new item, as well as optional information to create derivative image and attribute records. After inserting the new ITEM record, the transaction then inserts any GLOBAL ATTRIBUTE VALUE and ITEM IMAGE. The unique identifier for each of these records is a composite 64-bit key where the lower 60-bits are the i id parameter and the upper 4-bits are used to represent the index of the image/attribute. For example, if the i id is 100 and there are four items, then the composite key will be 0 100 for the first image, 1 100 for the second, and so on. After these records are inserted, the transaction then updates the USER record to add the listing fee to the seller’s balance.
The benchmark randomly selects id from a pool of users as an input for u_id parameter using Gaussian distribution. A c_id parameter is randomly selected using a flat histogram from the real auction site’s item category statistic.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
i_id | BIGINT | The new item’s unique id (0–2^60 ) |
u_id | BIGINT | The seller’s user id |
c_id | BIGINT | The new item’s category id |
name | VARCHAR | The title of the new item |
description | VARCHAR | The text description of the new item |
initial_price | DOUBLE | The initial price of the new item |
reserve price | DOUBLE | The seller’s reserve selling price (can be null) |
buy now | DOUBLE | The seller’s “instance purchase” price (can be null) |
attributes | VARCHAR | Textual BLOB of user-defined attributes for the item |
gag_ids[] | (0-16) × BIGINT | List of GLOBAL ATTRIBUTE GROUP ids to include for this item |
gav_ids[] | (0-16) × BIGINT | List of GLOBAL ATTRIBUTE VALUE ids to include for this item |
images[] | (0-16) × VARCHAR(128) | List of unique image paths |
start_date | TIMESTAMP | Auction start timestamp |
end_date | TIMESTAMP | Auction end timestamp |
Output parameters
Name | Type | Description |
i_id | BIGINT | The new item’s unique id |
i_u_id | BIGINT | The seller’s user id |
Pseudo code
// Get attribute names and append them to the item description description = “”; for i = 0 to <gag_ids.lenght> – 1 __description += SELECT gag_name + ” ” + gav_name FROM GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP, GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ______________WHERE gav_id = gav_ids[i] AND gav_gag_id = gag_ids[i] AND gav_gag_id = gag_id; // Insert the item // Add item images // Decrement user balance |
3.3 new-bid
A buyer enters in a new bidding for an open item. If there is no existing bid on the item, the new bid is marked as the winning bid and the item is updated accordingly. If there is an existing highest bid, then the transaction has to check whether the new bid amount is greater than the existing bid. The id for the new ITEM_BID record is the ITEM.i_num_bids + 1.
Things to check:
• The auction is still open.
• The potential buyer is not the seller.
• The new bid is greater than the current bid.
The benchmark randomly selects ids from a pool of users as an input for u_id and i_buyer_id parameter using Gaussian distribution.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
i_id | BIGINT | The item that is being bidded on |
u_id | BIGINT | The seller’s user id |
i_buyer_id | BIGINT | The buyer’s user id |
bid | DOUBLE | The amount the buyer bids on the item |
maxBid | DOUBLE | The maximum amount the buyer bids on the item |
Output parameters
Name | Type | Description |
ib_id | BIGINT | The new bid’s id |
Pseudo code
// Increment the number of bids UPDATE ITEM SET i_num_bids = i_num_bids + 1 WHERE i_id = <i_id> AND i_u_id = <u_id> AND i_status = 0; ib_id = SELECT MAX(ib_id) + 1 FROM ITEM_BID WHERE ib_i_id = <i_id> AND ib_u_id = <u_id>; imb_ib_id = SELECT imb_ib_id FROM ITEM_MAX_BID WHERE imb_i_id = <i_id> AND imb_u_id = <u_id>; if imb_ib_id is not null then __current_bid, current_max_bid = SELECT ib_bid, ib_max_bid __newBidWin = false; __if maxBid > current_max_bid then __if newBidWin == true then else __INSERT INTO ITEM_BID (ib_id, ib_i_id, ib_u_id, ib_buyer_id, ib_bid, ib_max_bid, ib_created, ib_updated) __INSERT INTO ITEM_MAX_BID (imb_i_id, imb_u_id, imb_ib_id, imb_ib_i_id, imb_ib_u_id, imb_created, imb_updated) endif |
3.4 new-comment
A potential buyer posts a question/comment about a seller’s item. Each transaction inserts a new ITEM COMMENT record.
The benchmark randomly selects item from a pool of items that are in CLOSED status using flat distribution. It then extracts i_id, seller_id, and buyer_id from the item and associated winning bid as inputs to this stored procedure.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
i_id | BIGINT | The item that the potential buyer is commenting on |
seller_id | BIGINT | The seller’s user id |
buyer_id | BIGINT | The potential buyer’s user id |
question | VARCHAR(128) | The new question posted for the item |
Output parameters
Name | Type | Description |
ic_id | BIGINT | The new comment’s id |
Pseudo code
INSERT INTO ITEM_COMMENT (ic_id, ic_i_id, ic_u_id, ic_buyer_id, ic_date, ic_question) VALUES ( (SELECT MAX(ic_id) FROM ITEM_COMMNET WHERE ic_i_id = <i_id> AND ic_u_id = <seller_id>) + 1, i_id, buyer_id, <current_timestamp>, question); |
3.5 new-comment-response
The seller responds to an open question/comment created by new-comment-response.
The benchmark randomly selects comment from a pool of comments by users using flat distribution. It then uses i_id, i_c_id, and seller_id from the selected comment as inputs to this stored procedure.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
i_id | BIGINT | The item |
i_c_id | BIGINT | The item comment record that the seller is replying to |
seller_id | BIGINT | The seller’s user id |
response | VARCHAR(128) | The response to the existing comment/question |
Output parameters
Pseudo code
UPDATE ITEM_COMMENT SET ic_response = <response> WHERE ic_id = <i_c_id> AND ic_i_id = <i_id> AND ic_u_id = <seller_id> |
3.6 new-purchase
The buyer purchases the item for a previously won auction. This stored procedure checks first if the input bid is the winning bid. It then inserts a record to the purchase table, and changes item’s status to CLOSED.
The benchmark randomly selects item from a pool of items that are in WAITING_FOR_PURCHASE status using flat distribution. It then gets a wining bid of that item, and extracts ib_id, i_id, u_id, and buyer_id as inputs to this stored procedure.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
ib_id | BIGINT | The winning bid ID |
i_id | BIGINT | The ID of the purchasing item |
u_id | BIGINT | The seller’s user ID |
buyer_id | BIGINT | The buyer’s user ID |
Output parameters
Name | Type | Description |
ip_id | BIGINT | The new purchase id |
ip_ib_id | BIGINT | The associated bid’s id |
ip_ib_i_id | BIGINT | The associated item’s id |
u_id | BIGINT | The associated seller’s user id |
ip_ib_u_id | BIGINT | The associated buyer’s user id |
Pseudo code
imb_ib_id, imb_ib_i_id, imb_ib_u_id = SELECT imb_ib_id, imb_ib_i_id, imb_ib_u_id ________________________________FROM ITEM_MAX_BID ________________________________WHERE imb_i_id = <i_id> AND imb_u_id = <u_id>; ib_buyer_id = SELECT ib_buyer_id // Validate inputs ip_id = (SELECT MAX(ip_id) FROM ITEM_PURCHASE WHERE ip_ib_id = <ib_id> AND ip_ib_i_id = <i_id> AND ip_ib_u_id = <u_id>) + 1; // Insert a new purchase // Update item status to closed (i_status = 2) |
3.7 new-feedback
The buyer adds a seller feedback for a previously won auction. The rating is either -1, 0, or 1 and is added to the USER.u rating attribute.
The benchmark randomly selects item from a pool of items that are in CLOSED status using flat distribution. It then extracts i_id, seller_id, and buyer_id from the item and associated winning bid as inputs to this stored procedure.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
i_id | BIGINT | The purchased item |
seller_id | BIGINT | The seller’s user id |
buyer id | BIGINT | The potential buyer’s user id |
rating | BIGINT | [−1, 0, 1] |
comment | VARCHAR(128) | An optional comment for the seller |
Output parameters
Name | Type | Description |
if_id | BIGINT | The new feedback’s id |
Pseudo code
if_id = (SELECT MAX(if_id) FROM ITEM_FEEDBACK WHERE if_i_id = <i_id> AND if_u_id = <seller_id>) + 1;
INSERT INTO ITEM_FEEDBACK (if_id, if_i_id, if_u_id, if_buyer_id, if_rating, if_date, if_comment) |
3.8 get-item
Get item information. Returns all of the attributes for a particular item.
The benchmark randomly selects item from a pool of items that are in OPEN status using flat distribution. It then extracts i_id and i_u_id from the item as inputs to this stored procedure.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
i_id | BIGINT | The id of the item to retrieve |
i_u_id | BIGINT | The seller’s user id for this item |
Output parameters
Name | Type | Description |
i_id | BIGINT | The new item’s unique id |
i_u_id | BIGINT | The seller’s user id |
i_initial_price | DOUBLE | The initial price of this item |
i_current_price | DOUBLE | Current price of this item |
Pseudo code
// Get the item SELECT i_id, i_u_id, i_initial_price, i_current_price FROM ITEM WHERE i_id = AND i_u_id = AND i_status = 0; |
3.9 update-item
The buyer modifies an existing auction that is still available. The transaction will just update the description of the auction. A small percentage of the transactions will be for auctions that are uneditable; when this occurs, the transaction will abort.
The benchmark randomly selects item from a pool of items that are in OPEN status using flat distribution. It then extracts i_id and i_u_id from the item as inputs to this stored procedure.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
i_id | BIGINT | The id of the item to modify |
i_u_id | BIGINT | The seller’s user id for this item |
description | VARCHAR(255) | The new description for the item |
Output parameters
Pseudo code
UPDATE ITEM SET i_description = <description> WHERE i_id = <i_id> AND i_u_id = <i_u_id> |
3.10 check-winning-bids
This stored procedure is called once a minute to examine whether any auctions ended within the last 60 seconds. It returns a list of ITEM.i ids of the auctions that need to be processed. This is a broadcast transaction that must be executed on all nodes.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
startTime | TIMESTAMP | Start time of the duration that we want to check for ended auctions |
endTime | TIMESTAMP | End time of the duration that we want to check for ended auctions |
Output parameters
An array of due item objects each containing the following fields.
Name | Type | Description |
i_id | BIGINT | Item’s id |
i_u_id | BIGINT | Seller’s id |
i_status | BIGINT | Item’s status |
imb_ib_id | BIGINT | The winning bid’s id (Can be null if there is no winning bid on this item) |
ib_buyer_id | BIGINT | The buyer’s id (Can be null if there is no winning bid on this item) |
Pseudo code
// Get all due items that are still in status OPEN dueItems = SELECT i_id, i_u_id, i_status _________FROM ITEM _________WHERE i_start_date BETWEEN AND AND i_status = 0 _________LIMIT 100; // For each item, check if there is a winning bid __maxBidId = SELECT imb_ib_id __if maxBidId is not null then ____// Found wining bid, retrieve buyer of the winning bid ____userItem = {itemId, userId, itemStatus, maxBidId, buyerId} __else ____userItem = {itemId, userId, itemStatus, null, null} __endif __result.add(userItem); endfor return result |
3.11 post-auction
Each transaction performs post-processing of a given closed auction items. This stored procedure goes through each item and update the item status. If there is no bid for an item, this stored procedure changes the item’s status to closed. Otherwise, the status is changed to waiting-for-purchase, and a new record is inserted to the USER_ITEM table. All IDs of the same item across fields must be on the same array index. This transaction is invoked immediately after check-winning-bid if check-winning-bid finds due items.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
i_ids | Arrays of BIGINT | The items’ IDs |
seller_ids | Arrays of BIGINT | The sellers’ IDs of the items |
buyer_ids | Arrays of BIGINT | The buyers’ IDs of the items |
ib_ids | Arrays of BIGINT | The bids’ IDs of the items |
Output parameters
Name | Type | Description |
closed | BIGINT | The number of CLOSED items processed |
waiting | BIGINT | The number of WAITING_FOR_PURCHASE items processed |
Pseudo code
// Go through each item and update the item status // We’ll also insert a new USER_ITEM record as needed for i = 0 to i_ids.length – 1 __ib_id = ib_ids[i] __i_id = i_ids[i] __seller_id = seller_ids[i] __buyer_id = buyer_ids[i]__ // No bid on this item – set status to close (i_status = 2) __if ib_id is null then ____UPDATE ITEM ____SET i_status = 2 ____WHERE i_id = <i_id> AND i_u_id = <seller_id>; __// Has bid on this item – set status to wait for purchase (i_status = 1) ____UPDATE ITEM ____INSERT INTO USER_ITEM (ui_u_id, ui_i_id, ui_i_u_id, ui_created) __endif |
3.12 get-comment
Get all item comments of a seller.
The benchmark randomly selects id from a pool of sellers who has items in CLOSED status as a seller_id parameter using flat distribution.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
seller_id | BIGINT | The seller’s user ID |
Output parameters
An array of comments each containing every field in ITEM_COMMENT table.
Pseudo code
SELECT * FROM ITEM_COMMENT WHERE ic_u_id = <seller_id> AND ic_response IS NULL; |
3.13 get-user-info
Get a user’s items as a seller or a buyer. This stored procedure also retrieves items’ feedbacks if specify. The get_seller_items, get_buyer_items, and get_feedback must be either 0 or 1. If get_seller_items and get_buyer_items are 1 at the same time, this stored procedure will retrieve all items of a user as a seller.
The benchmark randomly selects id from a pool of sellers who has items in OPEN status as a u_id parameter using flat histogram.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
u_id | BIGINT | The ID of the user |
get_seller_items | BIGINT | 1 if get user items as a seller |
get_buyer_items | BIGINT | 1 if get user items as a buyer |
get_feedback | BIGINT | 1 if want to include items’ feedback in the response |
Output parameters
A user object containing every field in USER table.
An array of item objects each having the following fields.
Name | Type | Description |
i_id | BIGINT | Item’s id |
i_u_id | BIGINT | Seller’s id |
i_name | VARCHAR | Item’s name |
i_current_price | DOUBLE | Item’s current price |
i_end_date | TIMESTAMP | Item’s auction end date |
i_status | INT | Item’s status |
An array of item feedback objects each having the following fields.
Name | Type | Description |
if_rating | BIGINT | Rating of the item |
if_comment | VARCHAR | Feedback of the item |
if_date | TIMESTAMP | Date of the feedback |
i_id | BIGINT | Item’s id |
i_u_id | BIGINT | Seller’s id |
i_name | VARCHAR | Item’s name |
i_end_date | TIMESTAMP | Item’s auction end date |
i_status | INT | Item’s status |
u_id | BIGINT | Seller’s id |
u_rating | BIGINT | Seller’s rating |
u_sattr0 | VARCHAR | Seller’s user attribute 0 |
u_sattr1 | VARCHAR | Seller’s user attribute 1 |
Pseudo code
user_results = SELECT u_id, u_rating, u_balance, u_created, u_sattr0, u_sattr1, u_sattr2, u_sattr3, u_sattr4, r_name ____________FROM USER, REGION ____________WHERE u_id = <u_id> AND u_r_id = r_id; if get_seller_items == 1 || get_buyer_items == 1 then __if get_feedback == 1 then return user_results, item_results, feedback_results |
3.14 get-watched-items
Gets all watched items of a buyer.
The benchmark randomly selects id from a pool of users as a u_id parameter using Gaussian distribution.
Input parameters
Name | Type | Description |
u_id | BIGINT | The buyer’s user ID |
Output parameters
An array of user watched items each having the following fields.
Name | Type | Description |
uw_u_id | BIGINT | User’s id |
i_id | BIGINT | Item’s id |
i_u_id | BIGINT | Seller’s id |
i_name | VARCHAR | Item’s name |
i_current_price | DOUBLE | Item’s current price |
i_end_date | TIMESTAMP | Item’s auction end date |
i_status | INT | Item’s status |
uw_created | TIMESTAMP | Watched item create date |
Pseudo code
SELECT uw_u_id, i_id, i_u_id, i_name, i_current_price, i_end_date, i_status, uw_created FROM USER_WATCH, ITEM WHERE uw_u_id = <u_id> AND uw_i_id = i_id AND uw_i_u_id = i_u_id ORDER BY i_end_date ASC LIMIT 25 |